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MyMonero FAQ
MyMonero FAQ
Monero Hard Fork 2022
What can I buy with Monero?
How can I buy Monero on MyMonero?
Understanding Keys and Addresses
XMR went to the wrong address after I pasted the recipient address in
How can I receiving my mining payments?
What makes Monero unique?
How long does a transaction take to go through?
What are Encryption Keys?
How many confirmation do Monero transactions need?
My transaction does not reflect or was not received into another wallet
Passwords Across Devices
Error: An error occurred while submitting transaction: Error: Transaction rejected: invalid input
I want to create a new wallet address
Error: abort(Error: net::ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED) at Error at jsStackTrace (C:\Program Files\MyMonero\resources\app.asar\local_modules\mymonero_libapp_js\libapp_js\MyMoneroLibAppCpp_WASM.js:8:27616) at stackTrace (C:\Program
I Don't Have My Mnemonic Seed
MyMonero Support
Privacy and Security
Getting Started with MyMonero/Creating a new Wallet
Transferring XMR to your bank account
Error 502
I am receiving an error that says my spendable balance is too low
I only have 12 words from my mnemonic seed
Is MyMonero private and secure?
Can I run the MyMonero app on my Android phone?
If I send my other crypto to my MyMonero wallet, will it convert to XMR?
How do I buy XMR for my MyMonero wallet?
Can I buy XMR using MyMonero?
Can I use MyMonero as an exchange?
Can I store crypto other than XMR on MyMonero?
Does MyMonero support coins that result from forks?
Can I send Bitcoin to my MyMonero Wallet?
My wallet says I do not have enough funds to complete my transaction
I am trying to sweep my wallet but I cannot withdraw all of my funds
Unable to send funds – balance not reflecting correctly
I have been sent funds but I have not received it, how do I check that it has sent correctly ?
What is a transaction ID?
I sent funds but the receiver did not receive it, how can I prove I have sent it?
I need to prove that I have sent a transaction
Where is my transaction private key?
I am trying to mine using MyMonero, how do I start?
Where do I go to Mine XMR using MyMonero
Can I mine XMR using MyMonero?
I have not used the web wallet since the website was updated, where is it now?
Does MyMonero have a web wallet?
I cannot find the web wallet anymore
How do I access the web wallet?
My account is scanning the blockchain
My account is catching up
Scanning blockchain on web wallet – blocks keep increasing
I would like to restore an old wallet I used to use
I am receiving a message that my wallet must be imported
I want to switch over to MyMonero and need my previous funds and transaction data
My wallet needs to be imported
I lost my mnemonic seed, can the MyMonero team send it to me?
How do I recover my mnemonic seed?
I have lost my mnemonic seed
Where can I deactivate my wallet?
How do I close my MyMonero account?
I do not want to use my MyMonero wallet any longer
How do I delete my wallet?
Why are there transactions in my history that I did not make?
My funds are missing and I did not send them
Transactions in my history were not made by me, my funds are missing
Why MyMonero does not use 2FA
Logging in to MyMonero and Keeping your Keys Safe
Creating a new MyMonero Web Wallet
Transactions not received?
Spendable Balance Is Too Low
Monero and Transaction Fees
Support for Monero cryptocurrency
Monero Hardfork